– Air handling plant room model
Examensarbete genomfört av Emil Kvist inom masterprogrammet Sustainable Energy Systems vid Chalmers tekniska högskola, 2015.
Emil analyserade i sitt examensarbete hur storleken på fläktrummet i en byggnad beror på exempelvis SFP och luftflöde. Nedan följer examensarbetets abstract:
This study illustrates how the air handling plant room geometry depends on the Specific Fan Power (kW/(m³/s)) and airflow rate (m³/s) by using a theoretical model. The total shaft area of an office building relate to the gross external area and ultimately examines the possibility to utilize the model together with the shaft area study to investigate various sizes of office buildings share of technical area.
The analysis shows that there is a clear connection between total airflow rate and the air handling plant room area and the model is verified with good results compared with measured data for a number of office buildings. The conclusion is that the model seems to be consistent with reality. The results verifies the well-known and often used in practice graphs published by Enno Abel in 1999, when SFP was not considered to the same extent as today, can be used for air handling plant rooms designed for an SFP ≤ 1.5 kW/(m³/s).